대한민국NO1 브레이크에듀 유학원★ 영국어학연수 캐나다어학연수 미국어학연수 몰타어학연수 아일랜드어학연수 뉴질랜드어학연수 호주어학연수 필리핀어학연수 가족연수 한달살기 호주워킹홀리데이 영국워킹홀리데이 뉴질랜드워킹홀리데이 캐나다어학연수 캐나다어학원,캐나다어학연수준비,어학연수,캐나다,캐나다어학연수비용,미국어학연수,미국어학원,미국어학연수준비,미국비자,미국,미국어학연수비용,호주어학연수,호주어학원,호주어학연수준비,호주어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수,필리핀어학원,필리핀어학연수준비,필리핀가족연수,필리핀영어캠프,필리핀조기유학,필리핀유학,필리핀,필리핀어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수추천,호주워킹홀리데이,호주워킹,호주워킹홀리데이비자,호주워킹홀리데이비자신청,호주워킹홀리데이비용,워킹홀리데이 가족연수 영국어학연수준비 영국어학연수추천 런던어학원 뉴질랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드워킹홀리데이 몰타어학연수추천 몰타유학원 몰타가족연수

CISL(Converse)어학원 샌디에고 캠퍼스 리오픈 예정일

by mia posted Jun 15, 2020
Extra Form
날짜 2020-06-15


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

샌프란시스코, 샌디에고 지역에 캠퍼스를 두고 있는 CISL 어학원은 6월 15일 샌디에고 캠퍼스를 리오픈한다고 공지했습니다.

CISL is very pleased to announce that the State of California is allowing schools to reopen, and as such, we will return to in-person classes for adults at our downtown San Diego school. This change is effective June 15, 2020. We have taken all necessary safeguards to ensure a healthy environment for our students and staff. These include a maximum of 5 students per class, limiting the number of hours the school is open, requiring masks, hand washing and temperature tests, etc., as well as increased cleaning of our premises. We are fortunate to still have students physically in San Diego and will be running multiple classes - we encourage you to contact us regarding any of your students who may still be in San Diego and prefer an in-person learning experience. As we get up and running again over the next few weeks, we will add back in local, socially distant activities (at this time no weekend trips are being offered)