대한민국NO1 브레이크에듀 유학원★ 영국어학연수 캐나다어학연수 미국어학연수 몰타어학연수 아일랜드어학연수 뉴질랜드어학연수 호주어학연수 필리핀어학연수 가족연수 한달살기 호주워킹홀리데이 영국워킹홀리데이 뉴질랜드워킹홀리데이 캐나다어학연수 캐나다어학원,캐나다어학연수준비,어학연수,캐나다,캐나다어학연수비용,미국어학연수,미국어학원,미국어학연수준비,미국비자,미국,미국어학연수비용,호주어학연수,호주어학원,호주어학연수준비,호주어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수,필리핀어학원,필리핀어학연수준비,필리핀가족연수,필리핀영어캠프,필리핀조기유학,필리핀유학,필리핀,필리핀어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수추천,호주워킹홀리데이,호주워킹,호주워킹홀리데이비자,호주워킹홀리데이비자신청,호주워킹홀리데이비용,워킹홀리데이 가족연수 영국어학연수준비 영국어학연수추천 런던어학원 뉴질랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드워킹홀리데이 몰타어학연수추천 몰타유학원 몰타가족연수

리버풀 LILA 어학원 7월 6일 오픈 준비중 및 자가격리 숙소 안내

by yoona posted Jun 12, 2020
Extra Form
날짜 2020-06-12


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LILA* Re-Opening Plan

With UK lockdown guidelines beginning to relax, we're excited to share with our partners LILA*'s plan for reopening the school to students. We are currently working towards the re-opening date 6th July 2020.

We have been working hard to make sure we can open to students in a way that puts their health and safety at the top of our agenda and have put together our COVID-19 Safe Charter so you and your students can see the steps we are putting in place.

Quarantine Care Packages

Should students still be required to self-isolate according to the UK Government’s current guidance, our brand new Quarantine Care Programmes will enable your students to safely self-isolate on arrival in a supportive and caring environment.

The current quarantine period applies to arrivals between 8th and 29th June. This will be reviewed, and can be extended, every three weeks.

Homestay Package

Students can safely self-isolate with one of our friendly and experienced host families. Families will help students settle in to life in the UK and improve their English at home.

Find out more
Residence Package

Students can safely self-isolate in a small community of other self-isolating students. Residence is permanently staffed by a trusted LILA* partner.