대한민국NO1 브레이크에듀 유학원★ 영국어학연수 캐나다어학연수 미국어학연수 몰타어학연수 아일랜드어학연수 뉴질랜드어학연수 호주어학연수 필리핀어학연수 가족연수 한달살기 호주워킹홀리데이 영국워킹홀리데이 뉴질랜드워킹홀리데이 캐나다어학연수 캐나다어학원,캐나다어학연수준비,어학연수,캐나다,캐나다어학연수비용,미국어학연수,미국어학원,미국어학연수준비,미국비자,미국,미국어학연수비용,호주어학연수,호주어학원,호주어학연수준비,호주어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수,필리핀어학원,필리핀어학연수준비,필리핀가족연수,필리핀영어캠프,필리핀조기유학,필리핀유학,필리핀,필리핀어학연수비용,필리핀어학연수추천,호주워킹홀리데이,호주워킹,호주워킹홀리데이비자,호주워킹홀리데이비자신청,호주워킹홀리데이비용,워킹홀리데이 가족연수 영국어학연수준비 영국어학연수추천 런던어학원 뉴질랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드어학연수비용 아일랜드워킹홀리데이 몰타어학연수추천 몰타유학원 몰타가족연수

시드니,브리즈번,골드코스트 랭포츠 어학원 대면수업 시작

by yoona posted May 25, 2020
Extra Form
날짜 2020-05-25


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

시드니,브리즈번,골드코스트 랭포츠 어학원 6월 15일부터 시작

Dear Valued Partners,


I hope this email finds you well.


We are happy to announce that Langports will re-open our three schools on 15th June 2020.


With the exception of the IELTS and EAP course which will continue online for a further week or two, all other classes will return to face to face teaching from this date.


Today our student services team have also informed our students via email of this announcement.


We are re-opening in line with the COVID-19 recovery plans laid out by the Federal and Queensland Governments. This will mean that the schools will not be exactly the same as before we closed, but we will be doing our best to ensure that with extra safety measures, we will be keeping our staff and students safe.


We will outline these safety measures in the coming weeks before we re-open and share these with you and the students.


We thank you for your support during this time of disruption, and we look forward to getting back to some kind of normality.


Kind regards,

