
Royal Military College of Canada



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학교명 Royal Military College of Canada
도시 Kingston
홈페이지 http://www.rmc.ca
캐나다 왕립사관학교는 캐나다의 동부 온타리오 주에 위치한 사관학교로, 캐나다 군의 군 지휘관을 육성하는 기관이다. 1876년 18명의 생도로 출발한 캐나다 사관학교(Military College of Canada)가 전신이다. 2년 후인 1878년 빅토리아 여왕으로부터 ‘왕립(Royal)’이란 칭호를 부여 받았다.
인종과 성별을 불문하고 생도를 선발하는 것으로 유명한 캐나다 왕립사관학교는 군사훈련 외에도 인문, 과학, 공학 등의 전공을 선택할 수도 있다. ‘리더십, 훈련, 학업, 이중언어(영어, 프랑스어)’ 등 4개 분야 모두를 통과해야 한다.
교육과정은 정규군 과정(Regular Officer Training Program)과 예비군 과정(Reserve Entry Training Plan)으로 이루어져 있으며, 학사장교(UTPNCM) 과정도 있다.
육군, 해군, 공군 통합사관학교로 2009년 캐나다 내 최우수연구대학으로 선정되었으며, 졸업생들은 캐나다 군 고위직 이외에도 UN, 나토(NATO) 등 전 세계 기관에서 활동하고 있다.
A “university with a significant difference,” the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) caters to three distinct academic groups: it educates and trains its on-campus students (the famous “RMC Redcoats”) for careers as commissioned officers in the Canadian Forces; through its Division of Continuing Studies, the college provides university education at a distance to thousands of military and civilian members of the Department of National Defence; and it offers a number of well-respected and unique graduate programs in the arts, science and engineering divisions, open to both military and civilian students.

Limited enrolment in the on-campus and graduate programs is maintained through a competition of eligible applicants, and standards are high. Education is free for most on-campus undergraduates because of commitments of military service following graduation; these Officer Cadets also receive an additional monthly salary. Through the distance education programs, the college prides itself on offering flexible schedules for students with career and family commitments, accessible courses and degrees, and academic credit for appropriate military and professional experience.
While its student population is located around the world (wherever the Canadian Forces go), RMC occupies a 41-hectare peninsula immediately to the east of downtown Kingston, Ontario. Those students residing on campus benefit from their proximity to modern academic, athletic and residential facilities, while enjoying the older, historic buildings that remain part of the college.
In all programs, classes are small, the professor/student ratio is advantageous and laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art essentials. Programs are available in English and in French; the opportunity to learn and excel in both official languages is a fixture of the institution.
Serving Canada and Canadians since 1876, RMC has placed its graduates not only in military service, but also in government, business and the professions. Almost without exception, the ex-cadets of RMC are found in positions of leadership and responsibility.
Student fees

Canadian student fees 2011-12 *
Undergraduate tuition fees: $1,808 - $ 3,287
Graduate tuition fees: $2,150 - $3,150
International student fees 2011-12 *
Tuition fees: up to $8,000
* Source: Royal Military College of Canada
Note: In addition to tuition fees, universities generally charge fees for goods and services supplied to students. This includes areas such as student associations, sports and health. These additional fees vary widely per university and per student and can run from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Check with the university for details.
Student enrolment

2011 rounded preliminary fall enrolment *
Full-time (undergraduates): 1,090
Full-time (graduates): 300
Part-time (undergraduates): 170
Part-time (graduates): 260
* Source: Royal Military College of Canada