
Bournemouth University International College (BUINTCOL)

by Yoon posted May 29, 2017


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
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도시 Bournemouth
홈페이지 https://www.kaplanpathways.com/colleges/...l-college/
추천전공 미디어, 저널리즘, 호텔경영, 관광경영, 스포츠경영, 컴퓨팅
학비 GBP12690 (2017-18 기준)


Bournemouth University International College (BUINTCOL)는 Kaplan International College 와 Bournemouth University이 함께 운영하여 파운데이션 과정을 제공하고 있다. Bournemouth대학교는 영국 남부의 해안가 도시인 Bournemouth에 위치하고 있다. Bournemouth대학교는 Talbot캠퍼스와 Lansdowne캠퍼서를 가지고 있으며, 약 16000여명의 학생들이 재학중이며 이중 1500명이 국제학생들로 구성되어 있다. 학사/석사를 포함해 200여개의 전공과정이 개설되어 있으며, 특히나 학생들에게 인기가 높은 전공으로는 Media & Journalism, Hospitality&Tourism and Sport Management등 있다.


각 학교별로 아래의 Pathway별로 수업이 제공된다.

• Business, Law or Finance

All students study the following modules:
•Language for Study 3
•Skills for Study 2 and 3
•Economics in an International Context

You’ll also study a selection of the following – determined by your course pathway and length:
•Basic Computing Skills
•Business and the Business Environment
•Business Enterprise
•Introduction to British Society and Culture
•Language for Study 1 and 2
•Personal Development and Pre-Study Skills
•Preparatory Mathematics
•Skills for Study 1
•Social Science

• Computing

All students study the following modules:
•Language for Study 3
•Skills for Study 2 and 3
•Business Information Systems
•Introduction to Audio-Visual Media and Technology
•Introduction to Multimedia and Communication
•Introduction to Programming

You may also study a selection of the following, determined by your course pathway and length:
•Basic Computing Skills
•Introduction to British Society and Culture
•Language for Study 1 and 2
•Personal Development and Pre-Study Skills
•Preparatory Mathematics
•Skills for Study 1

• Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management

All students study the following modules:
•Language for Study 3
•Skills for Study 2 and 3
•Business and the Business Environment
•Business Enterprise
•Economics in an International Context
•Tourism and Hospitality Management

You may also study a selection of the following – determined by your course pathway and length:
•Basic Computing Skills
•Introduction to British Society and Culture
•Language for Study 1 and 2
•Personal Development and Pre-Study Skills
•Preparatory Mathematics
•Skills for Study 1

• Media and Communications

 All students study the following modules:
•Language for Study 3
•Skills for Study 2 and 3
•Interpreting Visual Culture
•Introduction to Audio-Visual Media and Technology
•Introduction to Media and Communication Studies
•Introduction to Multimedia and Communication

You may also study a selection of the following – determined by your course pathway and length:
•Basic Computing Skills
•Introduction to British Society and Culture
•Language for Study 1 and 2
•Personal Development and Pre-Study Skills
•Preparatory Mathematics
•Skills for Study 1

입학시 요구조건

고등학교 졸업에 준하는 자격 소유자

영어점수는 3term의 경우는 IELTS 5.0 with no less than 4.0 in any skill이상이어야 하며,

(*이때에 반드시 IELTS for UKVI여야 한다.) 


다양한 수업시작일을 가지고 있으며, 본인에 일정에 맞춰서 스케쥴과 기간을 선택하면 된다.
